Badge System

How to earn award badges: Bronze, Silver and Gold badges

Basic Badges

Girls receive basic badges, such as a promise badge after memorizing the promise & law and SGG badge, when becoming a member.

Brownies earn award badges when they complete certain programs.

To receive a, Bronze badge, a Brownie should either earn 7 journey badges or 2 mission badges.

To get the Silver badge, a Brownie should earn 10 journey badges or 3 mission badges.

To get the Gold badge, a Brownie should either earn 13 journey badges or 4 mission badges.


Program Badges




Journey Badges

Girls receive the Journey badge after attending 3 workshops under the same Journey.


Mission Badges

Girls receive the Mission badge after obtaining all the Journey badges under the same Mission.


Interest Badges

An interest badge is offered as an additional badge to honor the individual’s interests. It is designed based on the activity, hobby, and skill of each girl. To earn this badge you need to attend programs such as Robotics, and Cooking etc.


WAGGGS badge

Badges of WAGGGS will be issued for challenges and events such as World Thinking Day and Global Action Themes (GAT).


Event Badge

Special badges will be issued for participation in events organized by SGG, such as National Day, Earth Hour, Environment Day etc.


For more information about the badges please contact us at